About Me

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This is me. Not much to say. I think there is nothing better in the world than having a good friend that you can have an entire conversation with and never say a word. I love to read. Nicholas Sparks and James Patterson are two of my favorite authors. I am not afraid to choose a book by an unknown author if the title catches my eye. If my kitchen was not so small I would have people over all the time and cook for them. I love to try new meals and make new things. Life without a pet is not a full life in my opinion. I have one dog – Sasha. Could not imagine not having her there every day to shed all over my house and get in my way and be totally excited when I got home from work. She knows when to jump on my lap and just be there when I have a bad day. People need to give animals more credit and everyone should own one.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Finally...An Update!!!

It has been a busy summer and I have not had my camera with me much but here are a couple things for those of you that read this blog.
First of all CONGRATULATIONS to my friend Jenn. She had a baby boy, Barrett Owen, on July 8th. Also, staying with Jenn's family...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Izzy. She is three today. Hope your birthday was fun.

Back on Old Timers weekend my friend Ashley and I were sitting in the driveway enjoying a beer and she asked if I was busy on January 17th and if not if I would like to be apart of her wedding...HELL YEAH. Until Friday night I had not met Luke yet. He is currently home on leave so Luke, Ashley, Travis and I got together Friday night for supper. You two are so cute together. Luke...Can't wait until you are home for good and we can go out again...It was fun.

It has been a really good year so far for the garden. Everything is growing strong. Right now we are enjoying plenty of peas and shortly the beans are going to be out of control. I have even had a few zucchini already. They were so good.

This is the first cut of lettuce. It over flowed my wagon. I gave away so much. Second cut was almost as much. It was SO good.

Well hopefully this is enough to hold you over for a while. My cousin Wade gets married this weekend and I just got a new dishwasher from my Grandparents tonight so until the next update...